Nick Brandt - Awe Inspiring Nature Photography

We love awe inspiring photography and this collection from Nick Brandt is one of our favorites. Born and raised in London, Nick Brandt studied Film and Painting at St. Martins School of Art. He started photographing in December 2000 in East Africa, beginning the body of work that is his signature subject matter and style.

 Giraffes in Evening Light, Maasai Mara 2006

 Elephant Exodus #2, Amboseli 2004

 Abandoned Ostrich Egg

 Buffalo With Lowered Head

 Elephant Herds Crossing Lake Bed in Sun D

 Elephant with Tattered Ears

 Elephants Moving Through Grass

 Elephants on Bleached Lake Bed

 Giraffes and Dust Devil

 Giraffes Battling in Forest

 Giraffes with Migration Trail

 Gorilla On Rock

 Lion CU Portrait

 Lion Under Leaning Tree

 Lion with Monolith

 Lions Head to Head

 Rhino on Lake

 Rhinos in Lake

 Lion Before Storm II- Sitting Profile

 Zebras Turning Heads

 Cheetah and Cubs

 Wildebeest Crossing

 Lioness Against Rock

 Baboons in Profile

 Hippos on Mara River

 Elephant With Exploding Dust

 Elephant Exodus

 Cheetah and Cubs Lying on Rock

 Lion Windswept

 Sitting Lionesses

 Cheetah in Tree

 Giraffe Fan

 Elephant Mother and Two Babies

 Elephant Herd

 Buffalo Group Portrait

 Portrait of Lion Standing in Wind

 Giraffes Under Swirling Clouds

 Chimp Portrait With Hand II

 Lioness with Cub Feeding

 Lioness Looking Out Over Plains

 Giraffe Looking Over Plains

 Lioness In Crater

 Leopard in Crook of Tree

 Elephant Mother and Baby Holding Leg

 Chimpanzee Posing

 Elephant Ghost World

 Rhino in Dust

 Elephant Cathedral

 Giraffe and Baby in Trees

 Elephant Drinking

About Nick Brandt

Brandt's first book of photographs, "On This Earth", was published in October 2005, by Chronicle Books, with forewords by Jane Goodall and Alice Sebold (author of "The Lovely Bones"). He has had numerous one-man exhibitions between 2004 and 2006, including London, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Hamburg, Santa Fe, Sydney, Melbourne and San Francisco. He now lives in Topanga, California....

Few photographers have ever considered the photography of wild animals, as distinctly opposed to the genre of Wildlife Photography, as an art form. The emphasis has generally been on capturing the drama of wild animals IN ACTION, on capturing that dramatic single moment, as opposed to simply animals in the state of being.
I’ve always thought this something of a wasted opportunity.

The wild animals of Africa lend themselves to photographs that extend aesthetically beyond the norm of 35mm-color telephoto wildlife photography. And so it is, that in my own way, I would like to yank the subject matter of wildlife into the arena of fine art photography. To take photographs that transcend what has been a largely documentative genre.
Aside from using certain impractical photographic techniques, there’s one thing I do whilst shooting that I believe makes a big difference:

I get extremely close to these very wild animals, often within a few feet of them. I don’t use telephoto lenses. This is because I want to see as much of the sky and landscape as possible--to see the animals within the context of their environment. That way, the photos become as much about the atmosphere of the place as the animals. And being that close to the animals, I get a real sense of intimate connection to them, to the specific animal in front of me. Sometimes a deliberate feeling that they’re almost presenting themselves for a studio portrait.

Why the animals of Africa in particular? And more particularly still, East Africa?
There is perhaps something more profoundly iconic, mythical, mythological even, about the animals of East Africa, as opposed to say, the Arctic or South America. There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa – the vast green rolling plains punctuated by the graphically perfect acacia trees. My images are unashamedly idyllic and romantic, a kind of enchanted Africa. They’re my elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically vanishing.



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